
Pink Tag weaning to offer a premium

June 28, 2024 BY

Effective weaning make cattle easier to handle in the yards and calmer during travel, creating a safer environment for both animals and humans.

THERE has been plenty of debate in the cattle industry about the weaning process and benefits of stress-tolerant livestock, and now Elders have backed it in, looking at delivering price premiums to producers who achieve “Pink Tag” accreditation.

With support of the MLA, these on-farm strategies not only ensure weaners are well-prepared to thrive in backgrounding or feedlot operations but also deliver the added benefit of meeting the expectations of consumers.

Elders’ Feeder Ready Program is presently the only audited weaning program in Australia, and supports producers to set their weaned cattle on the path to productivity.

Elders livestock production co-ordinator Rob Inglis said the program supported industry to demonstrate its credentials as stewards of best practice in animal welfare.

“It shows we can produce healthy, appropriately prepared cattle which are certified ready for feedlots or backgrounding, and command a premium price as a result,” Mr Inglis said.

“The aim of the program is to set feeders up for success with animals that are accredited through the Feeder Ready Program receiving an Elders’ pink ear tag which immediately identifies them as having been weaned in-line with industry best practice.”

The program has two mandatory criteria: audit by a third-party expert, and a vaccine schedule.

In addition, there are three recommended steps designed to help optimise performance:

A trace mineral injection

An internal and external parasite treatment program, and

A good quality ration.

Mr Inglis is one of three independent auditors conducting site visits to inspect the cattle post-weaning and ensure they met each of the program criteria.

This includes observing cattle behaviour in the yards to confirm they have been yard-weaned for at least seven days.

Elders livestock production co-ordinator Rob Inglis said the Pink Tag program supported industry to demonstrate its credentials as stewards of best practice in animal welfare. Photos: SUPPLIED

Feeder Ready complements the Vaccine Ready Guidelines, with the independent auditors confirming Clostridial and Bovine Respiratory Disease vaccinations have been given and that any additional vaccinations are also noted on the schedule.

Mr Inglis said these recommendations were assessed by auditors on a case-by-case basis.

“We look at the circumstances of each property to determine what parasite treatments or rations are most appropriate.

“The important thing is we’re delivering transparency around these criteria so that buyers receive a full account of how that animal has been treated up to the point of sale.”

Elders believe there are a range of benefits from accreditation through the program, such as price premiums.

Mr Inglis said the Elders pink tags made it easy for buyers to identify feeders that have been correctly weaned, potentially delivering price premiums to producers.

“They are also transport ready with effective weaning making cattle easier to handle in the yards and calmer during travel, creating a safer environment for both animals and humans.

“Appropriately weaned cattle are easier and safer to load and unload,” Mr Inglis said.

“They’ll also experience far less stress during trips and be in better condition when they eventually reach the feedlot or backgrounder.”

The program cites improved performance where cattle which have been appropriately weaned convert feed more efficiently and spend less time growing, resulting in lower feed costs and reduced carbon emissions, and improved survival rate.