Point Lonsdale garden continues to grow

April 29, 2023 BY

The Garden's Grow Sessions take place on the last Sunday each month. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE communities of Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff are planting new seeds as the region’s community garden continues to invite new volunteers keen to enhance their personal connections to nature.

Garden contributor Lisa Barker first met creative director Suzie Wyllie in May of 2021 sitting at one of the garden tables out the front of Point Lonsdale-based community arts organisation, The Lighthouse Arts Collective, where her interest was piqued by the transformation of what was once a barren carpark.

“I had walked past many times and wondered what the story was,” Ms Barker said.

“This ‘once a carpark’ space I knew so well was absolutely blossoming and I was curious to understand what was growing there.”

Ms Barker said the timing of meeting Ms Wyllie was fortuitous given the pandemic had severely limited what she could do in her spare time.

“I think in truth I needed a little hope at around that time as the pandemic continued to crush our collective spirits in myriad ways.

“I felt physically and emotionally uprooted and the garden seemed like an ideal spot to seek out some much-needed grounding and connection.”

Since the initial conversation, Ms Barker has been a weekly volunteer at the garden and was excited to share that a new working bee is under way at 11 Kirk Road, Point Lonsdale.

“I have been blissfully involved as a volunteer in the garden since my first words with Suzie,” Ms Wyllie said.

“I am there each week and coordinate a roster for community members who might like to spend time there too.

“Naturally, we are growing so much more than fruit, vegetables, perennials, and grasses. We are having a beautiful conversation with nature and with each other as we gather.

“It is a restorative experience, and we’d love to invite the community along too.”

The Lighthouse Arts Collective’s new ‘The Grow Sessions’ working bees are held on the last Sunday of every month.

Volunteers attending will roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty at 2.30pm, work for a couple of hours and then stay for a shared supper.

To find out more about The Grow Sessions and the Collective’s programs, head to lighthouseartscollective.com