Portarlington hotel nears final decision

September 27, 2023 BY

PORTARLINGTON'S landmark "Drooping Sheoaks" development is a step closer, with Geelong council now advertising the plans.

PORTARLINGTON’S landmark “Drooping Sheoaks” development is a step closer, with Geelong council now advertising the plans.

Batman Management Group CEO Bill Votsaris intends to develop 30-34 Geelong Road into a five-storey complex that includes a hotel and retail spaces.

Mr Votsaris first unveiled the plan in 2021 and has since commenced consultation with community groups, including Portarlington Community Association, before finalising plans with the City of Greater Geelong.

The hotel would include 72 single-bedroom hotel rooms, a wellbeing centre, restaurant and foyer, and would be serviced by a two-level underground car park.

The wellness centre would primarily serve hotel patrons and provide opportunities for packaged retreats with services including massage, spa and yoga, with Torquay’s RACV resort presented as an example facility.

The development would also include six retail tenancies on the ground floor to boost commercial activity in the town.

Planning documents state the site “has been designed to incorporate and enhance the streetscape built form to Geelong Road through high quality architectural commercial design which incorporates articulation, concrete rendering and treatments, abundance of glazing and landscaping opportunities.”

“Internally, the development will continue to incorporate high quality design and features to provide for quality amenity to patrons of the hotel and retail tenancy patrons.”

Documents also reference Portarlington’s growing appeal as a tourism destination, and said the project would help facilitate further growth.

“The site is located on a declared “tourist route” and is already part of a de facto cluster of tourism related activities with large scale events, wineries, gin distillery, restaurants and other commercial activities which not only comfortably co-exist in this area form a land use compatibility perspective, but also add significant benefits to the economy and provide a high-end accommodation for visitors.”

The plans are available to view and for feedback until October 5, ahead of an approval decision by COGG.