Port’s annual celtic festival to feature sword combat

May 16, 2018 BY

Combatants using a Scottish longsword must stay within bounds during a bout. Photos: KT THOMPSON

COMPETITIVE medieval sword combat will entertain attendees at next month’s Celtic Festival in Portarlington.

The 2018 National Celtic Festival Tournament, hosted by the Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms, will be held outdoors in a viewable ring.

Head of the Estate Marcus Byron said the event was a Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) tournament.

“It is a recognised martial art based on actual medieval fighting styles and Scottish longsword is the primary weapon,” Mr Byron said.

He said unlike historical re-enactments, the tournament was a competitive sport where combatants fought in marshalled bouts.

“Fighters must wear armour, with full-contact grappling to the ground an option for more experienced combatants,” he said.

The tournament runs on June 10 and June 11 – beginning at about 10.30am and finishing at around 3.30pm.

The tournament is free to view for anyone, and all visitors are encouraged to watch and chat with College members.

For more information, head to glenlachlann. com or facebook.com/GlenLachlann.