Pothole repair times cut in half

February 6, 2019 BY

Bellarine Ward councillor Stephanie Asher and works supervisor Stuart Allden with workers Michael Giabiec and Damian Cannon. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

POTHOLE repair times will be cut by more than half across the Bellarine thanks to new mobile technology and processes being rolled out across the City of Greater Geelong.

Following a successful trial in Geelong’s northern suburbs, initiatives from the city’s Roads to Success project will be used on all of the more than 1700km of city-managed sealed roads, including about 570km of roads managed by the city on the Bellarine.

These improvements came about thanks to a customer-focused approach aimed at reducing the number of steps involved from when a pothole is reported to when it’s repaired.

“Road repairs are a very important and visible part of Council’s work, so it will please a lot of people to learn that these improved processes are having such a big impact,” Cr Stephanie Asher said.

“With potholes and other road issues being fixed faster, we can achieve better and safer roads for users across the Bellarine.”

On the Bellarine alone, the city completes about 1,000 sealed road repairs each year and responds to more than 200 requests for service from the public each year.

The Roads to Success project takes a customerfocused approach to the road services the city provides to the community.

In addition, the city has also turned its attention to preventative maintenance, to identify road problems earlier so that they can be fixed faster and have less impact on drivers.

VicRoads maintains Geelong’s main connector roads and highways, while the city looks after most residential streets and roads.

Community members who see a road problem, whether it’s a VicRoads road or a city road, are encouraged to report it through the Geelong City app, available on the App Store or Google Play; at geelongaustralia.com.au/roads or by phoning 5272 5272.