Preparing for take-off? You need a permit in a park

January 4, 2018 BY

WITH an influx of drones expecting to take off in the days and weeks after Christmas, Parks Victoria has reminded visitors that launching and landing a drone is prohibited in the parks and reserves it manages across the state.

The authority says drones have the potential to injure other park visitors and are a nuisance for people wanting to enjoy the beauty of Victoria’s natural environment.

Drones also disturb wildlife – raptors (such as eagles, hawks and kites) often view drones as an intruder and have been known to attack them, while other birds and animals may see drones as a predator.

Park rangers often see drones flown without a permit at popular visitor spots such as the 12 Apostles, Albert Park, and the Grampians.

Landing or launching a drone without a permit in parks can attract an infringement of $793, with a maximum fine of up to $3171.40.

Drones are considered aircraft under National Park regulations, which govern the use of aircraft within parks. Drone pilots must also meet rules set down by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Parks Victoria statewide enforcement coordinator Chris Mercier said the state’s parks were special places to be enjoyed by all visitors.

“To preserve these special places for everyone and protect our unique plants and animals, drone flying is not permitted.

“Unfortunately, some visitors fly close to wildlife and near crowded lookouts and visitor locations, increasing the risk of injury to animals and visitors.

“Some people fly drones near airfields where planes and helicopters are taking off and landing. Flying a drone near bushfires could force the grounding of firefighting aircraft.

We manage some spectacular locations and we want everyone to be able to enjoy them. If you get a drone for Christmas, avoid a fine and don’t bring it to our parks.”

For more information on drones in parks, head to