
Preps celebrate 100 days “old school”

August 15, 2018 BY

Pupils pose as old people complete with wigs and glasses

PREPS at Clifton Springs Primary School celebrated their 100th day of school last week by going old school.

Pupils and teachers dressed up as 100-year-olds to celebrate the milestone. Activities included making fairy bread with 100s & 1000s, making lots of different collections of 100 in maths class, and using an iPad app to turn their faces into 100-year-olds.

The preps then joined their year 6 buddies to reflect on some of their favourite moments of school throughout their first 100 days.

Prep team leader Sarah Jenson said the pupils and teachers had a wonderful day.

“We have been counting down to this day all year and the students celebrated by really getting into it,” Ms Jenson said.

“The costumes were amazing and they were all so excited to do the different activities.”