
Progress for Lighthouse precinct rebuild

June 2, 2023 BY

Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Reserve will soon undergo a restoration project. Photos: BoQ

A $1-MILLION restoration of Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Reserve will have community input into its delivery.

The Borough of Queenscliffe is ticking final planning checkmarks for the state government-funded project, which would deliver a range of improvements to the heritage buildings and the surrounding area.

The second stage of the restoration will include:

  • All abilities shared pathway and parking zones from southern carpark to Point Lonsdale Pier
  • Restoration works on the First/Second World War Directing and Ranging Station and Second World War Eastern Search light
  • Restoration works on the lighthouse surrounds
  • Improved fencing and signage across the precinct, and
  • Mains power improvements across the site.

Borough CEO Martin Gill said in his monthly report at May’s council meeting that planning arrangements were close to being finalised.

The reserve’s P1 huts will get an external rebuild as part of the redevelopment project.


“Council and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DECCA) have now signed the funding agreement for the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Reserve Stage 2 Development project,” the council report stated.

“The purpose of the project is to improve public access to the historic precinct (all abilities) and provide strategic building and precinct restoration works.”

The report also indicated that works would follow a 2021 conservation strategy for the Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct.

The borough would also appoint a project control group including community representatives, which it will select through an expressions of interest process due to open next week for seven days.

An external restoration of the reserve’s heritage-listed P1 huts started in late-2022, and also received $400,000 from the state government.