Pros and kids take to the water for surf day

April 4, 2018 BY

World Surfing League’s Jesse Mendes heads out to the water with a pint-sized surfer taking part in the program. Photos: REBECCA ADAM

KIDS with Cystic Fibrosis teamed up with professional surfers at Torquay Surf Beach last week for a morning of fun therapy.

Surfing champions, such as Jesse Mendes, Ezekiel Lau, Caio Ibelli and Tatiana Western-Webb, took some time out of their busy schedules to teach about 15 kids during a “Surf Experience Day”.

The men and women were in Torquay in the lead up to the Rip Curl Pro.

Organised by the Mauli Ola Foundation (MOF), the therapy sessions aim to help the patients find a love for surfing.

Also, breathing in the salt water vapors from crashing waves thins mucus and promotes productive coughing – this helps clear CF lungs of bacteria-harbouring mucus.

Cystic Fibrosis Geelong Inc founder Leann Tremul said surfing was a much more fun form of therapy than sitting in front of the television with a nebuliser.

“Most of the kids are on salt therapy anyway so this is a great way of breathing it in while learning to surf,” Ms Tremul said.

“Research shows that adults with CF who surf are much healthier than the ones who don’t.”

During the surf days, patients keep 10 feet from each other at all times and the presence of professional surfers ensures patient safety.

The Mauli Ola Foundation (MOF) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing hope and confidence to individuals living with genetic diseases.