Putting history on the page

Cheryl Bauch with Surf Coast Shire mayor Rose Hodge at the launch of her book in September last year. Photo: HANNAH KENNY
Cheryl Baulch will visit the Torquay Library on January 23 to discuss her book Together They Served.
Ms Baulch’s book provides the most definitive record of people from the Surf Coast who enlisted in World War I.
She will be discussing both the contents of the book and the process of researching it.
The book was an enormous undertaking for Ms Baulch. She started her research looking at the various honour boards around the shire, but said she soon found they “varied in information”.
“Connewarre only lists the ones who were killed. Anglesea was about the regatta that happens on the first of January every year, so nearly all of those didn’t live in the area.”
She also included people who enlisted but were not accepted, and those who died in training.
Together They Served provides details on more than 700 men and women from the Surf Coast who served in the war, details that may otherwise have been lost to history.
Ms Baulch said she was pleased with the way the book had been received since she held the launch in September last year.
“People have gotten copies to give to relatives. There are many people who just like the fact that their families have been recognised in this way.”
The talk is free to attend and will run from 6.30-7.30pm.
Bookings can be made at eventbrite.com.au/e/cheryl-baulch-together-they-served-1914-1918-torquay-library-tickets-82546006327.