
Queenscliff celebrates Hub opening

November 4, 2022 BY

QHM has opened its first exhibit at the new site. Photos: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

FEDERAL, state and local government representatives have formally opened the $5.75 million Queenscliffe Hub for the local community.

The Hesse Street hub, also known as Wirrng Wirrng, welcomed the Queenscliff Library, Historical Museum and Visitor Information Centre as its new tenants in September before members of the Borough of Queenscliffe, the Victorian and Federal government cut the ribbon on Friday last week.

The Queenscliffe Hub features modern facilities for each of the three organisations plus collaborative space, an auditorium, outdoor meeting areas and landscaping.

Lisa Neville speaks in the centre’s auditorium. Photos: MICHAEL CHAMBERS


All three levels of government contributed funding for the project, while staff and volunteers of its user groups contributed to planning.

Borough of Queesncliffe mayor Ross Ebbels said the new community centre would be an asset to residents and visitors.

“From helping tourists learn about our fascinating history, to giving residents a spectacular new space to access their favourite library services, the Queenscliffe Hub has something for everyone,” Cr Ebbels said.

“Thank you to everyone in the Borough who helped us create this outstanding new community space. I can’t wait to see how you collaborate and enjoy using the new Hub.”

Corangamite federal member Libby Coker said that “collaboration was at the heart of the hub”.

“As a supporter of the project from early on in its planning, I fully understand its social and economic significance. It truly will be a central focus for the community, for lovers of maritime history and for visitors eager to explore the region.”

Retiring Bellarine MP Lisa Neville said she was thrilled to open the new building.

“The Queenscliffe Hub means so much to the local community, and I am delighted to see that it’s now open,” Ms Neville said.

“The completion of the Hub means more space for visitors and locals to enjoy the museum and library, as well as finding out what’s on through the visitor information centre.”