Queenscliff Men’s Shed paying it forward in the Borough

Left to right: Queenscliff Maritime Museum president June Negri presenting John de Steiger of Queenscliff Men's Shed with a certificate of appreciation, alongside Bill Hall and Museum admin officer John Sisley. Photo: SUPPLIED
A GENEROUS donation to the Queenscliffe Maritime Museum is further highlighting the selfless dedication of the Borough of Queenscliffe’s local men’s shed.
The Queenscliff Maritime Museum was a fortunate recipient of a generous donation from the local Men’s Shed to purchase a quantity of resin stacking chairs.
President of the Maritime Museum June Negri said the new chairs will be used for fundraising and other events in the museum’s Gil Allbutt Boatshed.
“The museum has not completely recovered from the COVID-induced financial downturn with tour groups slow to book and the Lighthouse tours still on hold,” she said.
“Consequently, fundraising events are an important part of our income.
“The museum has had to borrow chairs when holding functions recently therefore the generous donation by the Queenscliff Men’s Shed which enabled us to purchase these quality stacking chairs is very much appreciated.
“We would also like to acknowledge the Activities Section of Leopold Bunnings who assisted in the purchase of the chairs and kindly donated a number of additional chairs to the museum.”
The Queenscliff Men’s Shed has made several donations to local Borough of Queenscliffe community organisations with more still to come.
Men’s Shed coordinator Bill Hall says the group donates up to $1,000 a year to organisations such as Point Lonsdale Primary, St Aloysius’ School and Queenscliff Primary and Queenscliff CFA to name a few.
“We try to keep our donations local and we do a lot of good work here,” Mr Hall said.
“A lot of our Men’s Shed members get a real kick out of helping out the local community, and it’s a great benefit to our members’ mental health.
“That’s what Men’s Shed is all about really and it’s really impactful, whether we make furniture, refurbish bikes, or participate in our local markets.
“We’re more than happy to help out where we can and it’s a great team effort between our two main pillars, our bicycle group and our timber shed.”
To keep up to the date with Queenscliff Men’s Shed, head to the Queenscliffe Neighbourhood House’s Facebook page.