
Queenscliff vicar celebrates first year

June 29, 2024 BY

St George the Martyr Anglican Church in Queenscliff. Photo: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

THE vicar of the Queenscliff Point Lonsdale Anglican Church has this month marked the first anniversary of her appointment to the parish.

Reverend Jo White, who has been a priest for more than 12 years and was inducted into the parish on June 16 last year, said her first year had been “such a thrill”.

“Everyone’s so nice and we’re just all working really well together.”

She said she was proud to be parish’s vicar and of the little changes that had been made over the year, and said it was not her achievement alone, but the achievement of the parish.

Rev White’s previous appointed was at the St Philip’s Anglican Church in Cowes, the main township on Phillip Island, an experience she said had prepared her well for work within a tourist town where the population fluctuates significantly throughout the year.

The key, she said, is to put your ego aside.

“I have found in the past, and also this last Christmas and Easter, that it’s important to find ways to minister to those who come at the peak times.”

Examples, she said, include putting on special activities and celebrations.

Reverend Jo White has marked her first anniversary with the Queenscliff Point Lonsdale Anglican Church. Photo: SUPPLIED


Known for her enthusiasm, Rev White now has several goals for the next 12 months, including introducing further supports for the local community, such as social activities, broadening the church’s reach and bolstering the parish’s social media presence.

“I’m looking forward to establishing good spaces for young children to enjoy worship with their parents, especially in holiday times,” she said.

“I’m also looking forward to the possibility of stronger ministry to wedding couples.

“I don’t mind whether they want to be married in the church, or on the beach or up a gum tree.

“Obviously, we prefer people to marry in the church, but…the main thing for me is to help people who want to marry to have that extra thing in their life.

“They’re not just marrying each other. They’re marrying into a community that includes God.”

Rev White said she was now looking forward to a great second year with the parish.

“As I say to just about everyone I meet down the street – you’re welcome; see you in church.”