
REC RESERVE RESCUE: Port sport projects likely despite budget cut

May 5, 2023 BY

Geelong council has pulled back a $1 million contribution for implementation of the Portarlington Recreation Reserve Master Plan from its 2023/24 budget, but state and federal money is still expected to flow for the project. Photo: COGG

PORTARLINGTON Recreation Reserve is set to receive much-needed infrastructure upgrades despite being among a list of community projects that Geelong council put on hold.

But residents say they will lobby the city and local councillors to reconsider its decision to rescind a $1 million funding contribution for implementation of the reserve’s masterplan after years of advocacy to improve the facility.

Close to $4 million is expected to flow from the state and federal government in coming months to start improvements under the site’s master plan.

A new scoreboard and lighting upgrade, and improvements to the main pavilion are among the priority projects in stakeholders’ crosshairs as governments finalise their budgets for the coming financial year.

A $1 million contribution slated by the City of Greater Geelong in its 2022/23 budget was removed from the proposed 2023/24 spending plan released last week as the council delayed more than $80 million in promised projects amid its financial challenges.

But the reserve is still on track to receive $3.15 million in state government money promised ahead of last year’s election and will get $600,000 from the federal government for upgrades including a new scoreboard.

Portarlington Recreation Reserve project reference group member Geoff Fary said the group was “quite hopeful” it could proceed with essential projects despite the budget squeeze.

“Of course we were disappointed that we were impacted by [the council decision].

“We’re not the only community that’s been impacted by it and we will be urging the city to resume the allocation of that funding at the earliest opportunity to complete the redevelopment.

“As well as the other sports clubs like footy, netball, cricket, tennis, it’s also used by the Ag Society for their very successful Bellarine Agricultural Show, and the active recreation areas are used a lot by both townsfolk and visitors.”

“It’s central to our community, it’s an essential part of the future here.”

Upgrades to the inside of the club’s main pavilion, expansion of changing facilities to include mixed gender capacity, and improvements to car parking and perimeter fencing were among the projects Mr Fary said were priorities.


Bellarine MP Alison Marchant and her predecessor Lisa Neville (both front) pledged $3.15 million to the community facility during last year’s successful state election campaign. Photo: SUPPLIED


The city’s Portarlington Recreation Reserve Master Plan adopted in April last year identified about $10 million worth of development required in the coming years for the reserve to continue community needs.

The city’s community service delivery director Robyn Stevens said the city would continue exploring opportunities to pay for and deliver the plan.

“We understand this is an important project for the Portarlington community.

“We’re hopeful the state government’s $3 million commitment towards the reserve will be confirmed in its upcoming budget. If that happens, we’ll work with the government and the reserve tenants to determine which upgrades outlined in the master plan can be delivered with the available funding.

“We have also received confirmation of $600,000 in federal government funding for a scoreboard and sports lighting upgrade, which will go ahead.

“All of the projects placed on hold through our budget process will remain on our agenda and we’ll be looking to find ways to deliver them as soon as we can.”

The proposed budget is available for community feedback until May 24 at: https://yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/2023-24-BRRP

Meanwhile, the Victorian government’s budget is due to be released on May 23.