
Residents share their creative talents during show

April 25, 2019 BY

Artworks included prints, recycled paper art, mandala painting, contemporary watercolour, still life drawing, portraiture and mosaic art.

ARCARE Point Lonsdale honoured the creativity of its residents during its first art show last week.

Lifestyle assistant Amida Jones has been running weekly art classes and discussions for the past year with her creative elderly friends at Point Lonsdale every Tuesday afternoon.

Ms Jones, who has a strong family and educational background in visual and performing arts, developed the inspiring program to give residents a sense of personal pride and purpose.

“We have about 5-10 regular participants, however there are many others who have produced exceptional paintings throughout their lives and we will be honouring their creativity as well,” she said.

“The Art group has allowed those with an interest and even those who have never done much art before, the opportunity to explore new ways of expressing themselves through the arts, including printmaking, recycled paper art making, mandala painting, contemporary watercolour, still life drawing, portraiture and mosaic art.”

Ms Jones said many had given feedback that the art works produced had given them such joy and
something to be proud of.

“We will usually have classical or world music playing while we work and share stories that often spark recollections about travels and exploring different cultures through the arts.

“Our artists all struggle with limited dexterity and most have reduced concentration and focus through struggling with different stages of cognitive changes and adjustments.

“However, this art show has inspired many to gain a greater sense of community connection without feeling judged by others.”

Harpist Christine played during the art show, which also featured some talks by a few artists about their works.