
Revamp planned for thriving Royal

September 16, 2022 BY

THE new owners of Queenscliff’s Royal Hotel want to expand their business following a successful first year in the heritage building’s latest era.

The Borough of Queenscliffe is considering a planning application from The Royal that would boost the venue’s capacity and allow it to host more art events and functions throughout the year.

Proponents want to amend their permit to allow their space to be used as a bar, gallery and function centre at once, with all uses available year-round and to its current closing time of 11pm.

Patron caps would lift to 100 for the bar and gallery areas, including use of the cellar, while the entirety of the premises could be used for functions of up to 200 people.

It would also obtain a permanent liquor license in place of its existing temporary permits if the plan was approved.

Meanwhile, owners want to use the building’s first floor for accommodation, with plans lodged for nine rooms upstairs to reinvigorate the site in its traditional use as a hotel, as has happened on and off since it was built in 1854.

“The existing business has been more successful than expected, therefore leading to the desire to extend the life of the use and provide for the venue to be used throughout the year for three uses that align but can operate independently of each other,” planning documents stated.

“The use of the premises as a gallery, bar, accommodation and function centre maintains the history of the site and its long-established history of providing accommodation, food and drink and liquor through various uses over time.

“The scale of this building does not lend itself to a single dwelling and therefore appropriate commercial activities at a scale that is sensitive to the surrounding residential uses is necessary in order to provide for the long-term maintenance and upkeep of the building.”