Riverview Fishing Classic pulls in another good fundraising haul

Ocean Grove SLSC president Lyndie Freestone (second from left) receives the proceeds of the seventh Riverview Fishing Classic.
AN ANNUAL fishing fundraiser has wetted its lines again to good effect, raising thousands of dollars for lifesavers in Ocean Grove.
The seventh edition of the Riverview Fishing Classic – which takes its name from its associated venue, the Riverview Family Caravan Park – was held on December 30.

Riverview Fishing Classic president Jim Pound said the event raised more than $8,000 for the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club through sponsorship and guests paying a small fee to join participants at the barbecue and presentations at the caravan park’s camp kitchen.
“This year’s event saw 13 boats enter the light-hearted competition that sees teams fined for various mishaps during the day.”
The classic had 31 individual entrants, who caught 201 fish between them:
- 175 flathead
- 10 squid
- 8 whiting
- 8 gurnard
- 1 mackerel
- 1 leatherjacket
- 1 octopus.
Team Pound claimed first place with 40 fish, followed by Team Carboni with 34 fish and Team Standen with 27 fish.

Team Howitt took honours for the biggest fish with a 55cm flathead.
Ocean Grove SLSC president Lyndie Freestone attended the presentation and received a cheque for the $8,000 raised.