On the rocks: new plan for local lobster

February 28, 2018 BY

Russell Frost, a lobster fisher from Apollo Bay, VFA Chair Gail Owen and the Chair of Seafood Industry Victoria Markus Nolle.

A NEW fishery management plan for rock lobsters was launched two Saturdays ago at the Apollo Bay Seafood Festival.

Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) Chair Gail Owen said rock lobsters were one of Australia’s most highly prized seafood delicacies and Victoria’s most valuable commercial fishery with a landed catch value of $25 million per annum.

“The commercial rock lobster industry supports fishing and processing businesses across the state, providing valuable jobs in regional ports such as San Remo, Queenscliff, Apollo Bay, Port Campbell, Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Portland,” Ms Owen said.

“Rock lobsters are also very popular with recreational fishers right along our coastline.

“It’s vital we continue to look after this important fishery by ensuring it remains sustainable.

“Key components of the management plan are new rules that guide the setting of commercial catch quotas each year using the best available science.

“The new plan is the third for the fishery and builds on the excellent work undertaken previously to enhance the sustainability of rock lobster stocks and make the commercial fishery the most valuable wild-caught fishery in Victoria.

“The new plan was developed through intensive consultation and guided by an independently chaired, stakeholder-based, steering committee.”

Ms Owen said the plan included the three-year tagging trial that will, for the first time, help estimate the overall annual harvest of rock lobsters by recreational fishers.

“The tagging trial, which began last year, is an Australian-first that has been embraced by recreational rock lobster fishers with more than 4,800 people signed up via the new ‘VicRLTag’ app and website.

“Over summer, fishers have reported using more than 5,000 tags on recreationally caught rock lobster with many more expected through Easter and autumn.”

To view the new rock lobster management plan visit vfa.vic.gov.au/lobsterplan.