Rooms still available for Geelong waterfront events

December 8, 2017 BY

THE organisers of the Festival of Sails say plenty of accommodation is still available in Geelong during their event, despite its proximity to the similarly-popular Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race (CEGORR).

The festival will run from January 26-28, while CEGORR will start and finish in the same place (the Geelong waterfront) and on the same dates.

According to Festival of Sails chair Peter Alexander, the Royal Geelong Yacht Club (RGYC) has been working closely with the organisers of the 2018 CEGORR to manage the logistics of two significant events being run over the same weekend.

“It is going to be a huge weekend of sport and celebration in Geelong over the Australia Day period, but people shouldn’t be put off because they don’t think they will be able to find somewhere to stay.

“Accommodation is still plentiful, even close to the waterfront. In fact, Festival of Sails partner Devlin Apartments has some terrific rooms available.”

Mr Alexander urged people wanting help to find accommodation in Geelong for the bumper weekend to head to the Festival of Sails dedicated accommodation website, head to the Tourism Geelong and Bellarine website or contact the RGYC directly.

“We are committed to making sure that our participants feel welcome and enjoy their experience here in Geelong. That starts with finding somewhere to stay – and we are here to help,” he said.

“Our website is being regularly updated with availability of local accommodation providers over the Australia Day long weekend.”

This year is the 175th anniversary of the regatta and there will be plenty for visitors to see and do.

“The Festival of Sails is always an event not to be missed and with our celebrations for our 175th anniversary, it’s going to be even bigger and better in 2018,” he said.

“Some of the world’s best sailors and cyclists will come together in Geelong for the weekend’s activities and as well as the world class sailing events, there will be a feast of family entertainment day and night keeping Geelong’s waterfront buzzing, including the spectacular Australia Day fireworks.”