
SAFE PASSAGE: Crash campaign sparks action on risky road

May 19, 2023 BY

NEW safety barriers are in place and the speed limit lowered at a dangerous stretch of the Bellarine Highway after a swift response to a petition from a crash victim at the site.

Geelong resident Eloise Purcell started a campaign to install road safety barriers at part of the road missing protection at Wallington, on the Geelong side of Wallington Road and Adventure Park.

The campaign was successful this week as roads authorities installed new barriers, and earlier this month also reduced speed to 80kmh and updated signs in the area.

Ms Purcell said she was driving towards Point Lonsdale in March last year when a truck veered off the opposite side of the highway and collided with her car.

Her recovery from the incident is ongoing and includes regular rehab appointment to manage lasting injuries, which will likely prevent her from achieving her dream career as a nurse.

But memories of the event surfaced again earlier this month when a truck and car again collided at the same spot, resulting in the death of a male driver.

It sparked Ms Purcell to start her petition, which quickly drew a groundswell of support.

“I didn’t really think much more of it as I was recovering. And then I see that there’s been another accident in the exact same way,” she said.

“I was surprised how quickly it happened. In two days there were about 400 signatures and then it just kept going up by about 200 every day.

“I just had so much support, and that’s the reason it got done, I think.”

Supporters of the cause agreed the change was “desperately needed” and could help save lives at the intersection.

The petition had racked up more than 1,000 signatures before it attracted the attention of Bellarine MP Alison Marchant.

Ms Marchant responded to Ms Purcell’s plea for help last week indicating the state government would urgently address the problem

“Following the devastating incident that occurred in early May, the Department of Transport and Planning has acted quickly to install additional signage to draw attention to the 80kmh speed limit and additional safety barriers,” Ms Marchant said in a statement this week.

“Road safety is a priority for the Andrews Government and I am pleased the additional safety barriers have been installed as a matter of urgency.”

Ms Purcell said she was pleased with the quick response that she hoped would improve safety at the site.

“I was totally shocked. I thought it would be ages, and everyone told me ‘Don’t get your hopes up, it’ll happen eventually’.

“Even the Member of Parliament said it would take months and that she’d let me know.

“And then I got calls and messages saying it’s actually gone in and it’s being done today and it was done in like half a day.

“Things never happen that quickly. So I’m glad they saw how much it was needed.”