Shire prepares for Schoolies

November 21, 2019 BY

THE SURF Coast Shire is again joining this year’s Good Times Great Breaks program ahead of Schoolies celebrations, which are set to start in Victoria next week.

The program will see the shire partner with Victoria Police, several other coastal councils, youth organisations and accommodation providers. It seeks to enhance safety for people enjoying end of school celebrations and the communities where they gather.

Cr Martin Duke said the shire’s involvement in Good Times Good Breaks would help the community during the second week of Schoolies, from November 24 until December 1.

“While the Surf Coast Shire isn’t involved in organising any school leavers’ events, our role is doing what we can to keep young people safe and minimise the impact celebrations have on our community and environment.”

“Good Times Great Breaks works directly with school leavers, providing support – where needed – and asking them to look after their mates and respect the place that they are visiting. The aim is for young people to have fun and get home safely.”

Victoria Police recently stated they expect about 3,000 people to head to the Surf Coast to celebrate the end of their schooling.

Cr Duke said the Good Times Great Breaks site would be a helpful tool for those planning their holidays.

“We encourage anyone taking part in school leavers’ celebrations in our region to register in advance on the Good Times Great Breaks website. This website also has some good tips for both young people and their parents.”

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