Sienna Helou wins Peace Poster challenge

November 14, 2019 BY

Torquay Lions Club Peace Poster winner Sienna Helou with Torquay College art teacher Lyn Stirling-Loftus (left) and Lion Helen Wilton (right).

TORQUAY College’s Sienna Helou is the winner of the Torquay Lions Club’s Peace Poster challenge.

Local artist Natalie Martin was responsible for judging the posters created by primary school pupils across Torquay.

She said the calibre of the posters was very impressive.

“The overall quality of the posters blew me away. So much time and effort had clearly gone into them and every child had their own way of exploring the idea.

“I chose Sienna’s poster as I thought it responded to the theme ‘Journey of Peace’ in a striking and unique way. It really stood out to me.”

Miss Helou’s poster will now be entered into a regional competition, with the next step then being the Australian Lions national event.

Torquay Lions Club president John Bell said he believed the Lions Peace Poster competition was a brilliant initiative.

“It enriches school curriculum areas of learning, creating, communicating, technology and achievement.

“We wish Sienna well in the coming contests.”

Since Lions International began the competition, more than six million children have entered their own peace posters.