So this is Christmas

December 20, 2017 BY

It’s definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas here on the Bellarine, and I for one am on the silly-season bandwagon. The street decorations are up, store windows and displays are bulging with tinsel, sparkly bits and present ideas and let’s not forget the Christmas tunes; “Santa Claus is coming to Town”, in seven different ways if you don’t mind.

So what does Christmas mean to you?

Here at BCFsM headquarters, our celebrations always begin bang on December 1. I’m a big a sucker for the big jolly man in red and all that this entails, including lots of family traditions, both old and new.

But to get the full enjoyment benefits out of all this, there’s a lot of forward thinking and planning involved, otherwise it becomes the “Stressed-Out” season instead!

Here are some of my tips to get me through so I can still have a smile on my face come Christmas morning:

1. Start shopping early
I don’t know about you but my list of presents – be it for new babies or another KK edition – seems to increase every year that I actually start in September. I know that sounds a little out there, but for me, it just works and it spreads the dollars further as opposed to having a massive bill in December.

2. Don’t over-commit
This time of year all the work break-ups happen. You just can’t do everything otherwise you’ll be burnt out, however, some days are just going to be hectic no matter how well you plan (I may have had three events in one day recently) but I slip in a few R&R days (or even a few hours to myself) to re-charge and it does me wonders.

3. Keep up the healthy habits
I know, I know, this sounds preachy and all too hard (insert the eye-roll), but again, it keeps me going like an energiser elf; hydrate, throw in your daily dose of fruit and veg, (even pop a multi-vitamin or two if you need), take a walk, a few deep breaths and get a good sleep. Again, there are going to be days when overindulgence is the go, and late nights are inevitable, but like everything, I try to keep it real, don’t beat myself up too much and get back on the sleigh/wagon the next day.

4. Get in the mood
You can either embrace the entire festive overload or get drowned in it, but if you choose the first road, Christmas can be really fun, especially if you have a few kids involved. We get the tree and decorations up, put the cheesy CDs on, send some cards, sing some carols, turn our kitchen table into a wrapping station, go for drives at night and check out the lights in our ‘hood. You can’t help but have a few festive laughs with so much colour and pizzazz around.

5. Make some lists (and check them twice)
It helps that I’m a bit of a list girl; give me an old envelope or a scrap of paper and I can conjure up all manner of stuff to do. That’s not to say I always tick everything off, but a large majority gets done and that makes me feel on top of things. So, I do a list for presents, if you’re hosting Christmas lunch or dinner then a list for food and drink is wise too and always have a list on a calendar for what lies ahead.

6. Enjoy the day
You’ve done all the hard work, so now it’s feet up, relax and enjoy all the things that make Christmas Day special. To me that’s family, friends, good food and being thankful for all that this entails. The familiar sights, sounds, and smells that fill the air and soothe our hearts and souls in a way that home can.

Ahhhh, Christmas, you only come once a year, but with a little pre-planning and a merry attitude, you’re so worth it.

And that’s a wrap for 2017 – thanks to one and all that have helped get this page up and running every month and kept the BCFsM thriving.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas and see you this Saturday for our first ever Christmas Makers’ Market for all those last minute food and crafty gifts. We are your one-stop, local shop with the lot!

“Fresh from our backyard”.

Cheers, Sally