State government receives recommendations to strengthen tourism

September 12, 2019 BY

Tourism is a key contributor to Victoria's regional economy. Photo: MARK WATSON

A TOURISM peak body has made a series of recommendations to the state government to try and ensure Victoria’s visitor economy continues to grow.

With feedback from over 200 industry members, the Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) looked to make recommendations that would grow regional jobs and keep Victoria’s tourism competitive.

VTIC chief executive Felicia Mariani said many Victorians are affected by the state’s tourism industry.

“Tourism is a key contributor to Victoria’s regional economy, generating $7.5 billion in economic activity and directly and indirectly employing over 85,000 people.

“It supports many small businesses and contributes to the resilience, diversity and vibrancy of local economies across the state.”

VTIC aimed to have their recommendations reflect the priorities of regional businesses.

One of their main suggestions was to strengthen tourism education and training to attract more workers in regional Victoria.

VTIC also wants to introduce new key performance indicators to measure the performance of regional tourism.

Ms Mariani said the implementation of recommendations like these is crucial to the health of the state’s tourism.

“The adoption of the recommendations put forward in VTIC’s submission will support the industry to capitalise on its strengths and grow visitor numbers and expenditure across Victoria.

“Because regional tourism intersects so many areas within the responsibility of government – industry and regional development, employment, small business, transport, infrastructure, the environment and education and training – it is crucial there is a whole of government response to the Regional Tourism Review.”