
Stay safe on the internet

February 6, 2019 BY

Parents are well-placed to support young people to participate online in a safe and healthy way, headspace says.

TUESDAY was Safer Internet Day – an annual worldwide event that aims to create a safer internet for all – and headspace says young people have much to learn about being online.

The global awareness day encourages people to navigate the online world safely by developing four critical skills: Respect, Responsibility, Reasoning and Resilience.

On Safer Internet Day, millions of people united to inspire positive change and raise awareness about online safety.

The national youth mental health foundation, headspace, recognises that the internet is an important part of a young person’s life whether they are using it for schoolwork, research, social interaction, or for leisure.

However, headspace has stressed it is important that young people develop online behaviours that help them navigate the internet and social media in an informed, safe and meaningful way.

“When used safely, and in balance with offline activities, a young person’s time online can be educational, help build connections and fun,” headspace executive director of clinical practice Vikki Ryall said.

“There can be some obstacles to safe online use such as cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate, harmful or distressing content, inability to control contact from strangers and others, and the capacity to balance on and offline activities.”

She said parents were well-placed to support a young person to participate online in a safe and healthy way.

“Modelling safe and balanced on and offline activities in your own life can be a useful and supportive way to encourage young people to do the same.

“We encourage parents to actively engage in conversations and seek information seeking with their young people about their online use. Have regular, open conversations about what they are doing, what their experiences have been, and balancing their time online.”

She said parents should keep an eye out for young people who seemed more tired than usual, appeared less able to concentrate, seemed more irritable, had lost or decreased interest in other social activities, declined in academic performance or any other significant behavioural changes that were out of character.

“These changes might be an indication of mental health difficulties and an indication to explore whether their online use is safe and balanced.”

For more information about keeping safe online, head to esafety.gov.au.