Storytime with a setting in Ocean Grove

The collaboration between BCH and Geelong Regional Libraries began late last month with a decent turnout of young ones. Photos: SUPPLIED
A NEW nature-based program aiming to foster an ongoing connection to community gardens and local public libraries has launched on the Bellarine.
The Little Growers: Story time in the Garden partnership between Bellarine Community Health (BCH) and Geelong Regional Libraries will allow local families and pre-school children to participate in a nature-based story telling program, filled with stories, songs, and a hands-on garden activity.
“By providing story times within community gardens, families can come together in a safe outdoor space, get hands-on in the garden, and find out about the places in their community where they can access free local and sustainable food,” BCH healthy community planner Laura Boehm said.
The BCH Healthy and Connected Communities team is delivering Little Growers as part of their Bellarine Youth Agents of Change environmental leadership program, including a suite of local initiatives that enforces a community-first approach to increasing healthy eating and climate resilience on the Bellarine.
The BCH Youth Guerrilla Garden in Ocean Grove, where the first two of the Little Growers sessions were held, is another of BCH’s Bellarine Youth Agents of Change initiative.

The Guerrilla Garden is located behind the Ocean Grove Library with regular gardening workshops and working bees hosted in the youth garden.
“We are looking forward to opening up this garden space to others in the community, including our Little Growers,” Ms Boehm said.
“Community gardens traditionally attract an older demographic so Little Growers aims to bring young families in to enjoy the many benefits which community gardens bring.
“This includes increased mental wellbeing, social connection, and access to affordable and healthy food.”
For more information or to enquire about how to host a Little Growers session in your area, email Ms Boehm at [email protected]