
Surf Coast Relay for Life raises $60,000

May 8, 2019 BY

Phil Campbell and Natalia Muises-Khoury at this year’s Surf Coast Relay for Life. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

THE Surf Coast community’s contribution for the fight against cancer have reached $579,133, when donations of $60,407 from this year’s event are added in.

Organising committee chair Bob Tyler said 14 teams and 260 participants relayed overnight on March 15-16 to finish a great year of activities.

“It was not only a fundraising event, but it also brought our community together to provide support and hope for those touched by cancer.

“Loved ones were remembered, cancer survivors and carers were celebrated and all who took part stepped up in their fight against this insidious disease.”

Funds raised by the Surf Coast Relay for Life over the years have helped at least 175 people with cancer in the community each year.

Mr Tyler said the money raised supported experienced cancer nurses, who provide practical and compassionate support through emails and calls to the support hotline: 13 11 20.

“The phone-based support program, Cancer Connect, linked 437 people with trained volunteers who have had similar cancer experiences.

“Within Victoria, the Cancer Council held 120 support groups and 51 education programs. Overall, 1,227 people were helped in Victoria.

“The iconic SunSmart program is helping Australian boys and girls stay safe in the sun.

“Proudly, I am happy to say 94 per cent of early childhood services and 100 per cent of  primary schools in the Surf Coast Shire are SunSmart program members.”

The 2020 Surf Coast Relay for Life planners are already preparing for another 12 months of fundraising.

The 2019 teams are restarting their efforts and new teams are welcome to find out how they can be part of what is a fun year with a serious mission: to fight cancer.

Anyone interested in organising a team, or volunteering as a helper, can phone Bob Tyler on 0417 142 156.