

April 3, 2019 BY

Publicist Tammy Walters.

JC What is the main focus of your work?

TW Making sure that artists are getting out there, getting the recognition that they deserve and educating them on how the industry works. A lot of artists that come through have big ideas, they just have no direction, it’s about giving them that direction and making sure they’re not just in the industry for a short while, that they have a long career.

JC What does “Surf Music” mean to you?

TW I think it’s changed over the years, I used to see it as a little rough, raw and upbeat, but it’s changed for me. Now it’s kind of more the Hein Cooper’s and Kim Churchill’s of the world.

JC Writing material for a record, picking the right songs for release, mixing, mastering, distribution, record launches etc. PR is just as important isn’t it?

TW Exactly, you want to make the best for your buck and have some kind of plan in place to make sure you’re releasing things in time, making sure things aren’t overlapping. If there is a huge festival announcement and you release a song that same day, your promotion is going to go down.
For example, if Splendour in the Grass is being announced the same day you have your release set to go, you’re not going to get a look in because the media’s attention is focused elsewhere.

JC How can people get in touch with you?

TW Visit mirrorsprandevents.com, you can also send me an email at [email protected].