Surfing Victoria launch #NoTXTNoWrecks campaign

March 4, 2023 BY

Professional surfer Tully Wylie (Jan Juc) is helping to spread the messaging amongst the Victorian surf community. Photo: SUPPLIED

VICROADS Community Road Safety Grant Program funding has helped Surfing Victoria launch #NoTXTnoWrecks campaign, a video series that aims to encourage drivers to not use their phone whilst driving.

Initially created in 2015 by Surfing Western Australia, the campaign has helped spark behavioural change in the surf fraternity to stop the devastation of preventable road accidents.

Surfing Victoria CEO Adam Robertson said the state-body were thrilled to be launching the campaign, hoping it would continue to change user behaviour while driving.

“Victorian surfers do a lot of driving searching for perfect waves along the coastline and unfortunately drivers can be tempted to send a text whilst driving,” Robertson said.

“Using your phone whilst driving can lead to a serious crash and taking your eyes off the road for just 2 seconds or more doubles your crash risk.

“So, we are stoked to be amplifying the #NoTXTNoWrecks messaging.”

Jan Juc’s Tylie Wylie spends hours on the road travelling to and from competitions in the search of waves and echoed the strong messaging of the #NoTXTNoWrecks campaign.

“We spend so much time on the road looking for waves driving on narrow and sometimes unsealed country roads,” Wylie said.

“If you are distracted at any point it can lead to a crash, injuring yourself or someone else.”

The campaign will be rolled out across Surfing Victoria socials in the coming weeks.

For more information about the campaign, head to