
Survey shows Borough is a strong performer

July 4, 2018 BY

A SURVEY has revealed that locals are noticing the Borough of Queenscliffe’s focus on project progress.

Results from the 2018 Local Government Victoria Community Satisfaction Survey showed that the council continued to achieve a strong performance, maintaining its level better than the state average and above other rural councils.

Mayor Susan Salter said the report confirmed that people were noticing the listening posts, improved advocacy and increased involvement in the community. Local Government Victoria coordinates the commissioning of the Community Satisfaction Survey each year. The phone survey contacts a minimum of 400 people in each municipality, including resident and non-resident ratepayers.

When asked to describe the best thing about the council, top responses included location, beach/foreshore/waterfront, the community/ community feeling/neighbourhood, development, environmental and customer service.

But as well as reporting on areas where the council is performing strongly, the survey results help council to identify areas needing improvement. Survey responses highlighted community consultation, inappropriate development and communication as areas of performance with room to improve. This feedback has been reviewed by the council in order to identify opportunities for service improvement and intervention, both now and in the future.