Team dives on invasive seaweed

December 20, 2017 BY

DIVERS have removed two tonnes of highly invasive seaweed from Pope’s Eye in the Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park.

The team from Parks Victoria have spent more than 40 hours underwater during eight dives this year to remove the Undaria pinnatifida.

Marine pest project officer Jonathon Stevenson said Undaria had a huge environmental impact on both the marine animals and plants.

“The timing of its removal is very important,” Mr Stevenson said.

“We have timed these dives to remove maturing plants before they reproduce, thus reducing its spread at this important site of marine conservation and recreational diving.”

Mr Stevenson said the seaweed was also recently recorded for the first time near Point Lonsdale, indicating the invasion was moving further along the coastline and getting closer to establishing outside Port Phillip.

“Undaria is a significant problem across Port Phillip,” he said.

“We’re making good progress in protecting Popes Eye, but it is an ongoing concern.”

He urged all boat owners to be aware that they could potentially spread the seaweed to other locations when they moved their boats.

“Always wash vessels and equipment thoroughly in fresh water after use, and dry them before going to other parts of the coast,” he said.

“This will reduce the spread of this invasive pest beyond Port Phillip and along our coastline.”