The gift of giving: Christmas comes early for struggling residents

December 26, 2019 BY

Representatives of the Portarlington Business Development Association’s Christmas function celebrate another successful year. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

A BELLARINE business association recently gave money to residents in difficult times to help them enjoy Christmas.

The Portarlington Business Development Association (PBDA) held its annual Christmas function at the Portarlington Golf Club.

PBDA chair John Rae usually organises the program. But with Mr Rae on holiday this year, Geoff Henderson has stepped up in his place.

Mr Henderson said the function has expanded from one act of generosity.

“A number of years ago, the Portarlington Business Development Association allocated $700 to a needy family, and that has grown over the years to this year to include 17 needy families.”

Some of the businesses involved with the PBCA heard about the initial donation and decided they wanted to contribute too.

The funds are now raised by various local businesses, residents, and the PBCA itself, who help local businesses with networking.

Each family receives $700 worth in donations, making the total donations for this year $11,900, but the form families receive the donations in is personalised to their needs.

The PBCA learns about families they can aid through different sources in the community such as local schools or the Lions Club.

Supporters of the program include the Portarlington Golf Club, Indented Head Group, Bendigo Community Bank, Portarlington Lions Club, Portarlington Mussel Festival, Oxygencollege, Celtic Festival, Bellarine Bayside, Port Report, Pier View Lolly Shop, and various residents.