Time for a change: Yacht club pushing for better facilities

L-R: Bob Yeates, director at Youthrive Victoria, and Katherine Wagner, 2024 Youthrive Victoria University Scholarship recipient.
A MAJOR decision looms for the Indented Head Yacht Club (IHYC) as funding needed to redevelop the club’s changing facilities awaits approval.
IHYC vice commodore Peter Ellenby says the club expects a response from the federal government in mid-June, following an application of $900,000 in funding through its Play Our Way program.
The funds, if successfully obtained, will go towards refurbishing a portion of the club’s pavilion by rebuilding its change facilities.

The project would ultimately provide eight showers and four toilets to not only sailors, but also community groups who frequently use the facility.
“IHYC resides in two connected buildings,” Mr Ellenby said.

“At the front, a clubhouse, built in 1974, provides space for social activities and training. At the rear, the shed was built in the mid-20th Century as a garage; it now houses rudimentary change rooms and is used for boat storage.
“This building is reaching the end of its functional life and now we are looking to bring that part of the club up to code.”
The need for new facilities arose from the club’s prosperous partnership with local swimming group, the Salty Bitches, after the club recognised in 2022 the need to expand its membership base from a sailing-only focus.

The partnership has been a great success, with an average of more than 30 mostly female swimmers using the clubhouse each day year-round.
IHYC has recognised the single female bathroom and poor accessibility currently available to clubhouse users is no longer fit for purpose.
Salty Bitches founder Sarah Fenton said new facilities at the yacht club would bring a significant boost to swimmers and sailors alike.

“To obtain these funds, the group would be over the moon.
“We’ve got women as old as 70, we have women who suffer from Raynaud’s, we have women who are not comfortable getting changed in front of other people.
“Women shouldn’t have to get changed in front of anyone if they are not comfortable.”
The yacht club’s land manager Bellarine Bayside has thrown their support behind IHYC, assisting in earmarking land for expansion as part of the Indented Head Master Plan.

Bellarine Bayside CEO Bruce Elliot said the coastal management body is very supportive of the Indented Head Yacht Club’s aspirations to upgrade their clubhouse.
“We have been working closely and collaboratively with them through the planning and design process and are supportive of their current grant applications subject to receiving the necessary approvals and building permits.”
City of Greater Geelong executive director of City Life, Anthony Basford, said the city awarded $16,700 to the yacht club as part of its 2022-23 Community Grants program to complete planning.
“We are now working with the club to find avenues to help fund the redevelopment itself.”
Mr Ellenby outlined if funding through the Play Our Game is unsuccessful, it will look at alternative methods to securing the $900,000 in funds.
The projected total cost of the rebuild amounts to $924,000. The IHYC has offered to co-contribute $54,000 in club funds and $70,000 in in-kind materials and services.