Time to recognise local legends of the borough

February 16, 2022 BY

Borough of Queenscliffe Mayor Ross Ebbels.

HELLO to all residents, ratepayers and visitors to the Borough of Queenscliffe.

As we move into the last month of summer, it’s been wonderful to see plenty of energy and colour around town, especially as we welcomed in the hot rods for their ‘unofficial’ appearance at the weekend just gone.

It’s always an enjoyable time when we have the hot rods come to town.

Nominate a local legend for our Community Service Awards

With a new name and a new time of the year for the awards ceremony, our Community Service Awards are receiving a refresh for 2022 – and nominations for award recipients are now open to the public.

Council’s annual awards ceremony celebrates the many individuals, community groups and organisations that make outstanding contributions to the community every year.

We currently select a Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Event of the Year, Community Organisation of the Year, and Community Environment Project of the Year.

Anyone who lives, works, or volunteers in the Borough of Queenscliffe can be nominated by any member of the community.

Our reference group panel then judges the nominations against set criteria and makes a recommendation to council on who should be awarded each title.

You can apply to join the reference group or nominate someone worthy for an award on our website right now – so if you’re after anything to do with the Community Service Awards, visit queenscliffe.vic.gov.au/csa and you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for.

Time to get nominating!

Active Transport Strategy consultation continuing

Our first ever Active Transport Strategy consultation has been open for a little over a fortnight now and we’ve already been getting plenty of thoughtful, constructive responses that will contribute greatly to the development of the strategy.

You might have seen on our Facebook page recently, the story of the Davins: a couple of Queenscliff residents in their nineties who came to council asking if we could modify the crossover on the Rail Trail so they could fit their electric scooters through more comfortably.

Our engineering team was able to make that fix, and it’s been smiles all round since.

We’re on the lookout for those sort of suggestions – whether it’s a street that’s in desperate need of a footpath, or an area where you think two existing transport routes could be connected.

The strategy will guide council’s investment in walking, cycling and wheeling infrastructure – creating a range of benefits for the whole community and promoting the use of active transport to get around the borough.

Details on how to take part are available on our website at queenscliffe.vic.gov.au/active.

Clean Up Australia Day

We’re now less than a month away from Clean Up Australia Day, which is taking place this year on Sunday, March 6.

As we have done many times in the past, councillors will be putting on the gloves and hi-vis, joining together with local volunteers and conservation warriors to collect rubbish from around the borough.

We’d love to have as many of you there as possible on the day.

Participants will be provided with collection bags, but you’ll need to wear long pants and sturdy shoes to keep comfortable throughout the cleanup.

To register your interest online, visit queenscliffe.vic.gov.au/cleanup.

After a couple of months off, I’m looking forward to welcoming back my fellow councillors for the first Ordinary Meeting for the new year, being streamed on Zoom on Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm.

This session will be held online, so if you’d like to join us, make yourself a cup of tea, follow the links on our website at queenscliffe.vic.gov.au, and log in from the comfort of your own home.

If you have anything you’d like to discuss with me about the borough, drop me a line via the contact details on council’s website.

Kind regards,
Cr Ross Ebbels
Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe