Torquay Hockey Club to hold open day

February 27, 2020 BY

TORQUAY Hockey Club will hold an open day on Sunday, March 1 for new and returning players alike.

Last year the club managed to field six junior teams, three men’s sides and two women’s sides.

However, club president Andrew Crowley says the Tornadoes are still eager to attract new players.

“The open day will be an opportunity for existing players to connect with the club for 2020 as well any new players to come along and meet people from the club.

“We have done a lot of work over the last 12 months to recruit new players. Everyone is welcome.”

The open day will include some small games for people to join.

It will provide players with a chance to register and meet the coaches.

Players will also be able to organise their gear for the upcoming season. Uniforms will be available to try on and order, with a second-hand uniform station that people can donate to and buy from. Mouthguard fittings will also be available.

Coffee and snacks will also be on offer for purchase.

The open day will be held at Parwan Pitch, next to Grant Pavilion in Torquay. It will run from 10am to noon.