Uke players celebrate music with community jam

June 20, 2018 BY

The Portarlington Ukulele Kollective recently attended the launch of NBTAG’s (Northern Bellarine Transport Group) “Use It or Lose It” campaign.

THE ukulele players at PUK (Portarlington Ukulele Kollective) are hosting a big free community jam “Make Music Day” today.

PUK loves playing uke, singing and music, hence why they were really delighted to learn about “Make Music Day” (Fête de la Musique), which is an annual June 21 community celebration that started in Paris in 1982, and is now celebrated in more than 800 cities in 120 countries.

As PUK is really into celebrating music they decided to host the event in the Beer Garden at Portarlington Hotel today (Thursday, June 21) at 11.30am.

So rug up, and come along with your instrument and/or voice and celebrate music in grand style with PUK, The Portarlington Guitar Group, The Portarlington Harmonica Band and other special guests.