United to get more girls hooping on the coast

Mimi Wadling, Miley Hogan, Sienna Van Der List, Greta Atwell, Talia Schneider, Sophia Hogan, Hannah Hank, Liz Collins and Jess Illingworth. Photos: MICHAEL CHAMBERS
MORE than 40 Torquay Coast Basketball Club players have completed a special skills clinic with Geelong United forward Hannah Hank.

The clinic saw players complete age-specific activities to improve their basketball ability.

Rookies in the Under-8 and Under-9 divisions completed dribbling work, while the older age groups took part in shooting and crossover drills.

Torquay Coast president Elisabeth Collins said the club was committed to keeping young girls inspired and engaged in sport.

“This skills session with Hannah from Geelong United has kept that drive and interest to play sport for our girls,” she said.

“It was just fabulous. The feedback was terrific all round.
“It’s got all our players ready for another exciting summer season.”

Collins said sessions such as this could become more common.
“We are looking at doing it again. Hannah really enjoyed it, as did the parents and players,” she said.
“For us, the focus will continue to be on that target group of Under-10, 11 and 12 players. After that point is where girls usually lose momentum with team sport.”