Vegan activists putting hard working farming families at risk

Gippy Goat Café pet goat Angel was reportedly stolen, mistreated, found and stolen again in a bout of vegan extremist propaganda stunts.
MINISTER for Agriculture David Littleproud has called for calm following another incident with activists, this time in Harvey, Western Australia.
After arguing with vegan activists filming from a car out the front of his home, seemingly on the road, a dairy farmer discharged a shotgun, though not in the direction of the activists.
This highlights how these intrusive and unlawful actions can escalate, imagine if farmers went to activists’ homes and started filming where their family live, or actually go onto their property and steal their plants or companion animals.
The Gippy Goat Café debacle was another example of activists gone mad, not only did they allegedly steal perfectly healthy animals in a black shirt attack, they effectively stressed and tortured the animals, both by the way they transported them, and the lack of care given once held captive inhumanely inside a house wearing human nappies.
This follows the launch of the “Aussie Farms” vegan activist website, which contains what Minister Littleproud has called an “attack map for activists” listing hundreds of family farms and their addresses, often with incorrect details about their farming operation.
“I call for all to remain calm and respectful,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Farmers have a right to farm without being harassed, these people are just producing our food and should be left alone to do so.
“Family farms are people’s homes, children live in these homes, farmers are good people just trying to live their lives, raise their kids and feed our nation.
“I’m genuinely concerned there will be an incident in which someone be seriously hurt or worse.
“Differences between sections of the vegan and farm communities will not be solved with confrontation.
“I again ask the owners of the ‘Aussie Farms’ website to pull down its farm map, it’s an attack map for activists.
“It’s creating an atmosphere of fear and anxiety on farms around Australia, and I am not sure if it contributed to this incident, but it certainly will create more like it.
“I raised the issue of trespass with my state colleagues at the Agriculture Minister’s meeting in Adelaide recently, and I again implore them to send a clear signal that trespass will result in charges and real penalties.”