Victoria covers up as face coverings become mandatory

August 6, 2020 BY

Surf Coast mayor Rose Hodge demonstrates the correct way to wear a face mask.

THE Geelong region has covered up in compliance with the state government requirement for people to wear face masks when outside their home.
Previously only in Melbourne, the requirement to help slow the spread of the coronavirus was extended across Victoria and came into effect as of Monday this week.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced the change on July 30, the same day Victoria had a record single day increase of 723 new cases of COVID-19 detected and 13 deaths.
“Last week, and based on the latest in scientific study, we announced that face coverings would be mandatory in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire,” Mr Andrews said.
“Today, and in line with the advice of the chief health officer, I can announce that same requirement will apply across regional Victoria.
“I understand this will a big step for some. But by covering your face, you’re protecting your community, and protecting those extra freedoms your community enjoys.
“By covering your face, you’re keeping local businesses open, and keeping local people in work.”
Under the requirements, you must wear a face covering when you are leaving your home unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. This means either a face mask or face shield. A face covering needs to be worn covering both your nose and mouth.
A face mask is recommended, and includes any paper or textile covering designed or made to be worn over the nose and mouth to protect the wearer. It does not have to be medical grade and you can make your own.
If a face mask is not available, other forms of face covering may be used, such as a scarf or bandana.
The Department of Health and Human Services will be distributing 2.1 million reusable face masks to agencies that deliver services and support vulnerable Victorians to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
For more information on face masks and coverings, including instructions on how to make your own, head to