VIEW clubs celebrate joint first birthday

April 15, 2021 BY

Ocean Grove Day VIEW Club’s Heather Grant and Ryman Healthcare’s Janine Wilde.

A PAIR of Bellarine-based VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) clubs have recently marked their first birthdays.

About 140 women from the Ocean Grove Day VIEW Club and Point Lonsdale VIEW Club celebrated the occasion with a lunch.

Organisers said the occasion was a significant milestone for both clubs as they started in a very challenging year.

Despite the coronavirus-related difficulties of 2020, the clubs have enthusiastically supported interest groups and fundraising activities, and membership has grown to 90 women in each club.

VIEW offers a network for women in the community, to enjoy social activities and develop lasting friendships, while supporting the work of The Smith Family providing long-term educational support for Australian children in need.

The Ocean Grove Day VIEW Club and Point Lonsdale are now supporting eight primary age students through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life sponsorship program.

In 2020, Australia’s VIEW Clubs raised more than $1.2 million for The Smith Family and now collectively sponsor more than 1,400 Australian children.

This includes financial assistance for essential school supplies, access to out-of-school tutoring and mentoring programs, and a Smith Family partnership co-ordinator who is on hand to support the child’s specific needs.

Through their networks in local communities, VIEW members raise awareness about disadvantage in Australia and the importance of investing in a child’s education to break the cycle of disadvantage.

Clubs connect with MPs and find ways for women to have their voices heard on issues of importance for the future wellbeing of Australians, and in particular women and the community.

The two Bellarine-based clubs welcome women of all backgrounds and ages to join them.

The Ocean Grove Day VIEW Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Ocean Grove SLSC clubrooms at 11am for an 11.30am start, while the Point Lonsdale VIEW Club meets on the first Thursday each month at the 360Q restaurant in Queenscliff at 10.30am for an 11am start.

If you are interested in becoming a member, or require more information, phone national councillor Margaret Woodhouse on 0418 304 220.