VIEW seeking fifth Bellarine-based club

April 24, 2022 BY

VIEW's national development team at its first meeting regarding the formation of Leopold's VIEW Club. Front left to right: Edna, Christine, Lyn (past national vice president), Janet (zone councillor), Jenni and Pam. Photo: SUPPLIED

INCREASING interest has pushed forward a proposal for a Leopold-based women’s organisation to provide support for local disadvantaged children in the Greater Geelong region.

National volunteer organisation Voice, Interests and Education of Women (VIEW) has submitted a request to its national office to form a new club in the Bellarine town of Leopold, which would make it the fifth group to be formed on the Bellarine.

“A Leopold VIEW Club would provide another avenue for us as a network here in the region,” national president of VIEW and Bellarine resident Margaret Woodhouse said.

“The new club would also provide another avenue for us ladies who are perhaps more local to Leopold without having to travel to other clubs located in Ocean Grove, Drysdale or Point Lonsdale.”

VIEW will aim to drive up potential memberships in the coming months by holding interest meetings on May 10, June 14 and July 12 at The Sportsmans Club on Kensington Road.

Leopold’s new club would assist in VIEW’s commitment to The Smith Family, supporting more than 1520 students across the country through the Learning for Life program.

“The Smith Family has been creating better futures for young people for a century, and we are so excited to be part of that celebration,” past national vice president Lyn Geer said.

“If you are looking for an opportunity to meet new friends, have fun and learn new skills while supporting disadvantaged Australian children, then VIEW in Leopold is an ideal club for you.

“Each VIEW club is unique and plan their monthly meetings and events to suit the interests and lifestyle of their community-minded members.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about a VIEW club in Leopold can call Lyn on 0409 145 073, Edna Burwash on 9455 0941 or visit for further information.