Volunteer and help protect the coast

Torquay Coast Action is one of the many environmental groups along the Surf Coast – members are seen here at Deep Creek.
VOLUNTEERING is a rewarding way to give back to the community and coast, and environmental volunteering is the perfect way to help protect our favourite outdoor backyard – the
Surf Coast.
Contact your local volunteer group today to find out more about how you can get involved and help our precious coastline.
• ANGAIR (Anglesea, Aireys Inlet Society for the Protection of Flora and Fauna) does plant propagation every Tuesday and Thursday from 9am. Working bees are held three Mondays a month from 9.30am. Full event calendar available at angair.org.au. Phone Carl Rayner on 0439 558 600
• Jan Juc Coast Action meets on the first Sunday of the month from 10am-noon. Follow their Facebook page for updates or get in touch with Luke Hynes (0406 113 438) for further information
• Bring your broken and worn-out items and Repair Café Surf Coast’s volunteers will help you repair them. Jewellery, bikes, soft toys, clothing, textiles, lamps, food processors, heaters, gardening tools, lawn mowers and more. Phone Sue Guinness on 0407 070 641
• Torquay Coast Action meet on the fourth Sunday of every month (except January). Follow their Facebook page for updates or get in touch with Glenda (5261 6266) for further information
• Friends of Eastern Otways will be environmental weeding in the National Park for the next three months close to Anglesea, with a focus on removing Bluebell Creeper. Meet at the corner of Forest Road and Anglesea Road on 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9.30am. Head to angair.org.au or phone Margaret MacDonald 0412 652 419
• Join Friends of Eastern Otways on May 19 for a Fungi walk amongst the cool temperate rainforest at Sabine Falls exploring for fungi. Meet at 9am at Aireys Inlet Community Centre. BYO lunch, water, walking shoes and hat. Head to angair.org.au or phone Peter Crowcroft on 0412 044 127
• LorneCare meet on the third Sunday of every month (except January) from 10am until 12pm
with a barbecue to follow. Phone Alain Purnell
0417 031 905
For a comprehensive list of coastal volunteer groups along the surf coast, head to the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee’s website at gorcc.com.au.