Help create a Warm Safe Home during Seniors Week
CRAFTY types from across the Geelong region are being invited to take part in a hands-on arts project as part of this month’s Geelong Seniors Week.
The Barwon Warm Safe Home art project aims to take a stand against elder abuse in the community.
The crafted houses will be used to create a public exhibition to raise awareness and increase the respect and dignity of older people.
The project aims to create 1,000 crafted houses this month.
Warm Safe Home craft kits are free for anyone participating in the project at home, and seniors groups, Men’s Sheds, Neighbourhood Houses, craft makers and artists are also invited to take part.
Elder abuse is defined as any act which causes harm to an older person and is carried out by someone they know and trust such as a family member or friend. The abuse may be physical, social, financial, psychological or sexual and can include mistreatment and neglect.
The Warm Safe Home project is an initiative of the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention (BEAPP) network – a group of organisations committed to preventing elder abuse before it starts.
The BEAPP Network provides a variety of inclusive community activities and workshops to change social attitudes and prevent elder abuse and violence against older people.
Project partners include Bellarine Community Health, Prestige inhome Care, City of Greater Geelong, Barwon Health, Bethany Community Support, Diversitat, the Orange Door, Victoria Police, Dementia Australia, Better Place Australia and Barwon Community Legal Service
To order your free Warm Safe Home kit, email or phone 1300 430 599.
For more information about the project, head to or