Waste extension

August 15, 2021 BY

The Borough of Queenscliffe has extended its waste collection contract and is continuing to work with the state government on its plan for separate glass collection in the future.

A TWO-YEAR extension of the Borough of Queenscliffe’s current waste collection contract will allow for the introduction of a fourth bin for glass.
However, a date for the roll-out of a separate glass collection is yet to be confirmed, as the council investigates the best way to deliver the service.
The State Government’s Circular Economy Policy requires all Victorian councils to introduce a Kerbside Transition Plan that would see all councils introduce a food organics, green organics (FOGO) service and a glass collection service by 2027.
“The contract has sufficient provisions within it to facilitate the introduction of a fourth (glass) bin service,” a report to council said.
The council says it is working with the state government on the requirements and will liase with the community to determine the most efficient way to collect and recycle glass and provide information about a four-bin system.
The council agreed to endorse the extension of the borough’s waste collection services contract, which was due to expire last month.
The report for council’s consideration explained that the contract with Four Seasons Waste provided the opportunity to extend the agreement by two years by mutual agreement.
Councillors were advised that the contractor had met all requirements and obligations set out in the agreement. The waste contract report said council’s annual Customer Satisfaction Survey results in regard to waste management had indicated that the community was satisfied with the quality of the current service provided.
The scope of the services provided under this agreement includes garbage, recyclables and green waste mobile-bin-based domestic kerbside collection from residential properties, caravan parks, council offices and public places.
The contract also includes annual hard waste collection from residential properties, transport of all material collected to the designated disposal or transfer facility, provision of new kerbside bins to new service addresses, and damaged bin replacement.
“Extending the contract would also better align the Borough of Queenscliffe with neighbouring councils to make possible a future collaborative procurement for these services,” the report said.
Council officers have engaged with neighbouring councils and have identified a potential opportunity to participate in a joint tender process for these services following the conclusion of the existing contracts of all councils who wish to collaborate.
The Borough of Queenscliff has committed to exploring the identified collaboration possibilities for services after July 2023, when the extended contract will expire.