Water works until July

April 25, 2022 BY

Barwon Water says a new water main at Ocean Grove will improve services for growing communities in the town's east. Photo: SUPPLIED

WORK is underway to build a new water main at Ocean Grove to connect services to eastern housing estates, with work expected to finish mid-year.

Barwon Water started construction on the new water main last month, which it said would help support future growth and ensure delivery of “high-quality, secure and affordable water services” to customers.

The new main will stretch along Banks Road to Ocean Grand Drive, the Shell Road service road and Trethowan Avenue.

The new pipeline will link to Trethowan Estate and towards the Kingston Coast Estate further north.

Barwon Water expects construction to finish in July this year.

Banks Road, between Shell Road and Ocean Grand Drive, fully closed from Wednesday, April 20 until May 7.

Barwon Water said it would retain access to properties where possible, and that it would notify residents who would have restricted access or be without water on particular days due to the works.

Construction will continue seven days a week during that period. At other times, crews will work from 7am to 6pm on weekdays and from 7am to 1pm on Saturdays.

The water authority said disruptions such as loss of street parking, heavy vehicle movement, noise and dust would continue during the building phase.