Waurn Ponds Station upgrade begins

State Member for South Barwon Darren Cheeseman anticipates the Geelong Line upgrade having great benefits for travellers.
Last week work began on a $160 million upgrade of Waurn Ponds Station.
The upgrade targets improving reliability on the Geelong Line and increasing the safety of users.
The upgrade will include a second platform on the south side of the station; track duplication to allow trains to pass each other; a pedestrian overpass with lifts, ramps and stairs; secure bicycle storage; 90 new car park spaces; the sealing of 120 existing car park spaces; additional CCTV cameras; and a new drop off zone.
State Member for South Barwon Darren Cheeseman said the Waurn Ponds Station upgrade, which is expected to be complete in late 2021, marks the beginning of the Geelong Line duplication.
“It is an important first step in the full Geelong Line Duplication project, which will enable a more reliable service, a more regular peak hour service from 20 minutes down to 10, and allow the rail line to recover from signal, track and train faults more quickly. It means more reliable travel to and from Melbourne for work or for recreation.
“The Duplication of the Geelong Line will occur in stages following the completion of the Waurn Ponds Station Upgrade.”
The Geelong Line upgrades also include planning for the future Armstrong Creek transit corridor, which considers the future land use and population plans.
Mr Cheeseman said the rest of the project now awaits the federal government’s compliance.
“I can inform the Surf Coast community that the Project Proposal Report on the Duplication of the track between Waurn Ponds and South Geelong has been submitted to the Commonwealth Government by the Andrews Government.
I look forward to the Commonwealth reporting back to the Andrews Government in the next few weeks so the Duplication project can finally proceed.”
Muir Road closed to public access earlier this week as construction began. Detours for pedestrians and cyclists will be available via Ghazeepore Road, Baanip Boulevard, Torquay Road and Heyers Road.