Weather postpones planned burns

December 8, 2017 BY

FOREST Fire Management Victoria postponed an 80-hectare planned burn near Anglesea last week after cloud cover made conditions unsuitable for burning.

On Monday last week, firefighters carried out ignition in heathland along Forrest Road, two kilometres north of Anglesea, but did not proceed to the full burn.

“The fire was not taking to the heathland as expected, due to the lower than forecast temperatures and significant cloud cover,” Forest Fire Management Victoria Otway district manager David Rourke said.

He said FFMV postponed that operation as well as a planned burn scheduled to start the following day at Aireys Inlet until the conditions were more suitable for burning.

For the latest information about when planned burns are happening near you, head to, download the VicEmergency app or phone the VicEmergency hotline on 1800 226 226.