WILD to help female candidates connect with community

November 21, 2019 BY

Geelong group Women In Local Democracy (WILD) has run several workshops and forums in recent years, and will run another next week.

WOMEN In Local Democracy (WILD) will host a free workshop next week for women considering running for local government.

WILD’s second session for women candidates and their supporters – Connecting With Community: Using Social Media To Communicate – will be held at Geelong City Hall.

Attend for tips and tools for connecting and communicating with your community and ward.

Have you decided that you want to run (or support another woman to run), but don’t know where to start?

One of the first things any candidate needs to do is build their profile and connect with their community.

Social media is a great tool for building your profile and getting your message across.

Come along and find out how to best use social media in your campaign.

WILD have run several workshops and forums in recent years as part of their efforts to encourage more female candidates to redress the gender imbalance on the City of Greater Geelong council, which presently has three women and eight men – though the recent mayoral election saw women elected as both mayor (Cr Stephanie Asher) and deputy mayor (Cr Kylie Grzybek).

The free workshop – supported by the Victorian Local Governance Association – will be held at Geelong City Hall, 30 Gheringhap Street, on Wednesday November 27 from 5.30-7pm.

To register, head to vlga.org.au/events.