Women’s volunteer organisation takes in the view of the Bellarine

October 3, 2019 BY

About 65 local women gathered for morning tea at the Grove Pavilion in Ocean Grove to hear about VIEW and to plan for the growth of the new club.

A NEW day VIEW Club is proposed for Ocean Grove and women are invited to join this new development.
About 65 local women recently gathered for morning tea at the Grove Pavilion to hear about VIEW and to plan for the growth of the new club.
Another new day VIEW Club is ready to be formed in Point Lonsdale and women have the option of joining either club.
VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) is a leading women’s national volunteer organisation, providing the opportunity for women from all walks of life to meet regularly, establish lasting friendships and help disadvantaged Australian children through supporting the work of children’s charity – The Smith Family.
Karen Shirley from VIEW said the women were very pleased to welcome Mara Clarke, family partnership co-ordinator and Learning for Life worker from The Smith Family office in Geelong.
“Mara told the meeting of the scholarship program that supports disadvantaged children in our area and of the many additional programs for these students to ensure that they make the best of their education,” Ms Shirley said.
“In the Geelong area there are more than 600 children receiving a Smith Family scholarship and participating in the Learning for Life programs.”
VIEW clubs raise funds through their meetings and social activities to sponsor students.
Ms Shirley said Lyn Geer from the VIEW Development Team Victoria also outlined the process of forming a new club and answered questions from an audience very eager to begin this new venture.
“Local Ocean Grove women who are already VIEW members were there to welcome newcomers and share their VIEW experiences.”
If you would like to join one of the new clubs or find out more about VIEW and The Smith Family phone Lyn on 0409 145 075, Jennie on 0400 988 119 or Edna on 9455 0941.
All women are welcome to attend any of the following meetings planned to develop the new clubs.
The next meetings in Ocean Grove are at Ocean Grove Surf Lifesaving Club, 26 Surf Beach Road on October 9 at 10.30am for 11am; and November 13 at 10.30am for 11am.
The next meetings at Point Lonsdale are at Point Lonsdale Golf Club, 69 Fellows Road on
October 17 at 10.30 for 11am; and November 21 at 10.30 for 11am.