
Work starts to signalise Curlewis intersection

April 22, 2021 BY

Kelly Slater celebrates after winning the Men's final of the Billabong Pro Pipeline in Haleiwa, Hawaii. Photo: BRADY ROBINSON/WSL

WORK has started to upgrade a dangerous intersection in Curlewis, with the $2.5 million project to install traffic signals marking the end of a successful community campaign.

Bellarine MP Lisa Neville made the commitment ahead of the 2018 election to signalise the intersection of Portarlington, Hermsley and Curlewis roads.

The upgrade will include turning lanes for vehicles turning off Portarlington Road, designated bicycle lanes at the intersection, improved bus stops and new safety barriers.

The realigned path for the nearby Bellarine Rail Trail will ensure safer and better access for vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, and the existing pedestrian crossing will be closed once the new traffic lights are switched on.

On average, about 28,000 vehicles use Portarlington Road each day, with many drivers finding it difficult to safely enter from Hermsley and Curlewis roads, especially during peak times.

Regional Roads Victoria began major works earlier this week, with lane closures and traffic management to be in place throughout construction.

The entire upgrade is scheduled to be complete in the second half of this year.

Labor Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney visited the intersection last week with Regional Roads Victoria’s Vanessa Schernickau and Hermsley Road resident Steve Rose, who has been part of the campaign to improve safety at the intersection from the start.

“My first letter to VicRoads, as it was called then, must have been at least 15 years ago,” Mr Rose said.

“We thought ‘we’ve had enough’ because a few of the locals have had really bad accidents here.

“There’s probably been half a dozen locals who’ve had accidents on this corner, and there’s only 50 houses down Hermsley Road, so we’re talking about one in eight people.

“I thought ‘it’s just time we actually take the big step’, and organised the residents on short notice for Easter Thursday in 2018, and they just turned up en masse; that’s how passionate they were in relation to the issue.

“We had a few meetings but we got the residents to keep contacting Lisa’s office as well, individually, to keep the pressure on, and Lisa delivered.”

Ms Tierney – who is acting as the duty MP in Ms Neville’s electorate – welcomed the start of construction.

“I commend the local community for their efforts in raising this matter and acknowledge Lisa Neville on strongly advocating for the upgrade of the intersection,” Ms Tierney said.

“The state government has listened to the community’s concerns, invested in this major intersection upgrade and now getting on with delivering it.”

“We’re building new traffic lights at the intersection to improve safety for everyone – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians alike.”

To keep track of this project or check out what other works are under way or planned in your area, head to the Regional Roads Victoria website.